Jughead Eats A Burger

Client: Netflix (Riverdale)

For twelve straight episodes of Riverdale (S1), Jughead had betrayed his comic book origin by not eating a single hamburger. This rightfully upset our biggest fans. With the knowledge that he would eat a burger in the season finale, we set out to steal the moment on social before the episode aired. We released a sensual, seductive minute long video of Jughead devouring a burger with no reservations.

Riverdale fans collectively lost their minds and appreciated Netflix for being a part of their fandom. Today, over 10 million people have experienced serious sexual confusion over a hamburger.


Jughead Eating a Burger Seductively Is the
Most Terrifying, Sexy Thing You've Ever Seen

— Popsugar —


Jeffrey DaSilva
ART DIRECTOR: Sam Heichert
COPYWRITER: Sean Ngo, Gaby Makarewicz
EDITOR: Danny Peng